I came across a funny article and just had to laugh at it. It's title: "Mortgage Rates Rise Despite Fed Intent". What made me laugh was the comment that rates "jumped" up in the latest week 10 basis points from a national average from 3.52% to 3.62%.
I mean this is hysterical; we're seeing sub 4% interest rates and it's crazy busy in this business right now and a fraction of a percent raise is considered a "jump". This kind of talk is just nonsense. The problem is that rates have been so low for so long that people are just immune to it like they are to advertising messages. Ever notice how many messages are thrown into our face everyday through several media modalities and outlets? You have some that catch you eye every now and then but for the most part, we ignore them.
Same philosophy here; people are immune to the low rate environment but a 10 basis point increase is no where near a jump. To give you a perspective on how much of an increase that is; 1 basis point is 1/100th of a percent. So we're talking 10/100ths of a percent increase in rate. On $165,000 loan you're talking $9 a month.
That's not exactly breaking the bank here folks. The article you can find here.. I don't care what they say, and of course I could be wrong, but artificial low rates are here to stay. They can't lower them. I think the FED has done so much for so long; they're all in now baby...We'll be riding this wave for a while.
If you're in the market to buy or refinance it a good time but keep in mind that lenders are slammed right now and loans are taking longer to close and documentation requirements are still heavy so make sure you see both of my posts on Today's Mortgage Environment and Mortgage Application Tips...
These will help get your mindset right, explain a little bit about what's been transpiring on the back end and how to be full prepared at application to help improve the processing, underwriting, and closing of your loan.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Today's Mortgage Environment
This will be a quick post but wanted to just give you a little insight on today's mortgage enviornment. It's NOT the same as it was 3 and 4 years ago. Loans are harder to get done; they are taking longer; and quite frankly we have a shortage of experienced people in the industry right now which complicates things.
We have people who have left the business for other jobs during the downturn and really don't want to come back for something that could be temporary. Or you had people leave who won't come back no matter what..
The problem we find ourselves in now is the heavy regulatory compliance environment coupled with low rates and massive refinance and purchase activity... the lenders just can't keep up.
One crazy statistic I came across was Wells Fargo actually employs I think 60% of the underwriters in the industry in the US. Just think about that for a moment..
Wells holds about 30% plus market share and 60% of the underwriters roughly..that doesn't leave a whole lot for the rest of the market.
The point I'm trying to make is these days we have last minute changes; last minute closings; and frustrated borrowers and realtors because deals are taking too long and the amount of documentation needed. I understand completely and borrowers and realtors are not the only ones frustrated with that process.
What people fail to realize is on the back end, lenders are being heavily scrutinized on paperwork and are experiencing high levels of buybacks. I've even heard some deficiencies (paperwork, etc, missing from the file) can carry fines as much as $15,000.
That's insane! But as you can see, this is why you see some of the documentation requests being made; it's not to be a pain in the neck, it's to make sure no deficiencies are found that carry huge fines.
There are even some lenders raising rates to price themselves out of the market because they can't keep up with volume.
Now you'll have some people screaming they are not having issues or can just slam your loan through no problems; make every closing with no last minute clitches and I would argue they are full of it. With this market the way it is right now problems are bound to happen.
That doesn't mean I'm being negative - it just means I set the right expectation with people upfront as we all have the same goals - close on time, make the customer happy, and get referrals. Our business grows from referrals and we want the experience to be the best for the borrowers and referral partners.
I think the most important thing to remember, regardless of the issues we face, is communication..
Communication, communication, communication - I think this would eliminate a lot of frustration if people would just communicate property, quickly, and be solution oriented.
Remaining calm and cool is crucial. Anybody can be calm and cool under good times; but under pressure and stress it's important to remain professional and solution oriented.
See my post here regarding mortgage application tips for consumers to make sure you are prepared at application to improve the processing and underwriting of your loan..
The more prepared you are at application the smoother the process will go.
Just rest assured your loan officer is very motivated to get your loan done quickly, smoothly, so you can move in or get your refinance done and have a great experience.
If you find that you're in a situation where multiple requests for documentation or extra time is needed just remember what I've said in this post regarding the back end and regulators because the ultimate goal is not to upset the customer or realtor; it's to make it a great experience so you come back, send friends and family, and deepen your relationship with the lender (purchasing other products and services)
To your success,
We have people who have left the business for other jobs during the downturn and really don't want to come back for something that could be temporary. Or you had people leave who won't come back no matter what..
The problem we find ourselves in now is the heavy regulatory compliance environment coupled with low rates and massive refinance and purchase activity... the lenders just can't keep up.
One crazy statistic I came across was Wells Fargo actually employs I think 60% of the underwriters in the industry in the US. Just think about that for a moment..
Wells holds about 30% plus market share and 60% of the underwriters roughly..that doesn't leave a whole lot for the rest of the market.
The point I'm trying to make is these days we have last minute changes; last minute closings; and frustrated borrowers and realtors because deals are taking too long and the amount of documentation needed. I understand completely and borrowers and realtors are not the only ones frustrated with that process.
What people fail to realize is on the back end, lenders are being heavily scrutinized on paperwork and are experiencing high levels of buybacks. I've even heard some deficiencies (paperwork, etc, missing from the file) can carry fines as much as $15,000.
That's insane! But as you can see, this is why you see some of the documentation requests being made; it's not to be a pain in the neck, it's to make sure no deficiencies are found that carry huge fines.
There are even some lenders raising rates to price themselves out of the market because they can't keep up with volume.
Now you'll have some people screaming they are not having issues or can just slam your loan through no problems; make every closing with no last minute clitches and I would argue they are full of it. With this market the way it is right now problems are bound to happen.
That doesn't mean I'm being negative - it just means I set the right expectation with people upfront as we all have the same goals - close on time, make the customer happy, and get referrals. Our business grows from referrals and we want the experience to be the best for the borrowers and referral partners.
I think the most important thing to remember, regardless of the issues we face, is communication..
Communication, communication, communication - I think this would eliminate a lot of frustration if people would just communicate property, quickly, and be solution oriented.
Remaining calm and cool is crucial. Anybody can be calm and cool under good times; but under pressure and stress it's important to remain professional and solution oriented.
See my post here regarding mortgage application tips for consumers to make sure you are prepared at application to improve the processing and underwriting of your loan..
The more prepared you are at application the smoother the process will go.
Just rest assured your loan officer is very motivated to get your loan done quickly, smoothly, so you can move in or get your refinance done and have a great experience.
If you find that you're in a situation where multiple requests for documentation or extra time is needed just remember what I've said in this post regarding the back end and regulators because the ultimate goal is not to upset the customer or realtor; it's to make it a great experience so you come back, send friends and family, and deepen your relationship with the lender (purchasing other products and services)
To your success,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
More Fiscal Cliff Talks
My Quick Rant On This Topic
You know...this crap of fear mongering by the media is so elementary and obvious it's sickening. This whole show about the Fiscal Cliff and taxes, and the wealthiest Americans paying more, and blah blah blah, is such a racket that is designed to divide us all.When really looking at the numbers the top earners don't pay as much in taxes as you think they do folks. Warren Buffet even said openly that he pays less in taxes in terms of percentage of income, than the average person does.
The very top earners pay people to find ways to reduce their taxes. Don't get me wrong I'm not against being wealthy and making money and living a very good life - who doesn't want to live a rich and fulfilling life? Everyone does that's a no brainer.. My point is this is a sneaky way to divide people through social stratification.
If you have money and ran a business or several businesses your goal would be to reduce your tax expense..duh.. Who likes to pay taxes? Nobody does. The real people who pay taxes are the ones in the middle. They carry the load which is why the soundbites are always targeted to "middle class" Americans which again the labels create a huge problem as it divides people into groups which leads to warfare...which is what they want!
If we're too distracted fighting a false paradigm, we can't actually come together as a nation and figure out a way to fix the problem. "Class warfare" they label it ensues only worsening the problem. It's trickery and is designed to keep us distracted, fighting, and living in fear and confusion.
What you fail to realize is that inflation is a silent tax and is way worse than what we're dealing with here on income taxes. Have you noticed your food bill lately?
Oh but they want you to think that's a good thing because if prices are going up then that means your incomes will go up to match and plus the stock market is doing good and home prices are rising so just shut up and "feel" more wealthy when in reality you're income is not going up and the only ones profiting from the rising prices are the ones that control the lever...
If it's not a war on drugs, it's terrorism or taxes, or a bad economy, or murders, shootings, rapes, car wrecks, environmental calamities...It's a constant stream of bad news designed to keep people distracted, scared, confused, and worried all the time..
Jesse Ventura says it best when he describes our Congress as the world federation of wrestling as in front of the camera's they hate each other we have division, they're fighting it out but behind closed doors they're all buddies.
What you need to do is educate yourself and don't be fooled by what's going on around you.
This economy isn't going to get any better any time soon. You need to decide how you are going to utilize your skills, talents, and brains to create extra income you can convert to stores of value like gold and silver and protect your family from the worst case scenario.
There are many ways to get started now in creating additional streams of income in your part time and start protecting yourself now - create your own economy and don't let this trash talk distract you or rob you of joy, happiness, and peace in your life. Spend time with loved ones and cherish the special memories.
God Bless,
Secretary Donovan Questioned By Senate Banking Committee
Earlier this month Secretary Donovan was questioned by the Senate Banking Committee on the financial health of the FHA Mortgage Insurance Fund. A report released in November showed the agency was in the red $16.3 Billion dollars and it appears will need a bailout..
When Donovan was questioned, he could not promise FHA would not need a bailout but rather said we'll know more when the President's budget is released...
So in others words..like I said in my previous post HERE FHA is in deep doo doo..
Donovan however cautioned the committee not to make too drastic of changes to how the fund insures mortgage's as to not stall the recovery. "We are seeing a recovery, but it is still fragile," Donovan told the Senate Banking Committee. "We don’t want to hurt the market and in turn the FHA fund by going too far and stopping that recovery."
The agency's capital reserve account has dropped significantly since 2006 to -1.44% ending fiscal year 2012. Under law the ratio needs to stay at 2%. If that's not insolvency folks, I don't know what is... and clearly I don't know anything..
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.). "It is time for serious reform of the FHA before it needs a taxpayer bailout, if it isn’t too late already."
What types of changes need to be made? "A determination would not be made until the end of the 2013 fiscal year", Donovan said.
Haha...that means kicking the can down the road a bit and worrying about it later. This seems to be the answer to all the issues we face is...let's just kick it down the road a bit and "see what happens".
Donovan said Congress could help the FHA by making some changes that the agency is unable to do on its own such as lowering max loan amounts (which Donovan is in favor of) as he noted, loan limits were reduced for Fannie and Freddie but not FHA which is putting more pressure on the fund in higher costs areas.
What's interesting is nobody really thinks there is a problem but Wharton School of Finance Real Estate Professor Joseph Gyourko, thinks otherwise... "FHA is currently leveraged 41-to-1 -- which is higher than either Lehman Brothers (31-to-1) or Bear Stearns (38-to-1) when they collapsed"
Not to mention FHA is backing a proposal from the President to have Congress open up the Streamline Refinance to borrowers with non GSE and FHA mortgages and allow them to refinance into FHA insurance.. The min credit score? 580..
So not only is the fund in trouble but we're planning on expanding the refinance program that will further deplete funds, open up to more riskier borrowers, and then what? None of it makes any sense it will only allow the banks to make even more money hand over fist which is what they've done since this whole thing began..
Yes - we've had a lot of banks collapse but those were competitors to the big mega banks and is the same thing that happened in the 1907 Panic; thousands of bank failures occurred but all that really happened was consolidation into bigger banks. At that time private capital was taking profits away from the banks so something had to be done about so a widespread panic was induced which eventually led to the passing of the Federal Reserve Act (further consolidating power into the hands of the mega banks in New York) just a short 7 years later..
The name of the game is power folks..We as consumers pay more to keep FHA afloat so banks can continue to make money hand over fist. They are purging the system of all its life until nothing is left bankrupting it all.
Just keep that in mind..
You want real truth..visit here.. Stop living in the matrix..
Friday, November 30, 2012
New Housing Market

And you know what I say?
Thank God! The reason is we need a marketplace of professionals; leaders; trend setters; and customer service oriented champions who know what they are doing and can take their business to the next level.

See my post on building a brand or chasing a check because I dig into this by talking about what kind of value you bring to the marketplace and pose the question are you just in it for the money or are you in it to build a brand and a presence or chasing a check?

Because while the wannabe's are going to be stuck in the mud, trying to figure out why the same things; the same talk; marketing schemes, advertising; and using old tricks that work in a booming economy where EVERYONE gets a piece...

What are you going to do in this new housing market? Are you going be those stuck in the mud or are you going to build your brand and following, and create your own economy out of the ashes and prosper for the next year?
Ignore the governments numbers - people will always need housing. Ignore the FED and the news talking about interest rates - interest rates can't and won't go anywhere for a while. Stop focusing on where the market is everyday - unless you're a stock broker; investment adviser or something because that's just a distraction...
What you need to do are these simple steps:
- Have a clear vision
- Decide on a strategy
- Simplify and implement the strategy at the same time building value
- Take MASSIVE freaking action.
Want to know the secret?....
That's it, there is no secret... YOU are the secret...
Clock's ticking....every second you let pass by with indecision is another second lost that you could be working on becoming the person you want to be.
So in conclusion; we are in a new housing market, a new economy, but the best part is WE make our own economy.. so lets get to it.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Are You Building a Brand Or Chasing a Check?
Building Your Brand
Are you working toward building a brand and a following OR are you just chasing your next commission check?
The truth is if your focus is on the money and not building your brand or following; you'll always be chasing the money. What do I mean? I mean you'll be the hunter ALL the time...
The goal is not to be the hunter but the hunted.. You want people that are coming to you practically begging to do business with you because they are "know" you; have heard of you; when people talk about real estate; condo's, houses over a million, whatever your niche is --- when you have a brand you'll be the hunted.
Stop focusing on the check because this is where your emotions start to get the best of you. When things pop up or go wrong; you become upset easily because the only goal you have is the check at the finish line. When you have a brand; the money takes care of itself because money then chases you and not the other way around.
See this is hard for us to understand because we know we need money to buy things. We need money to pay bills, take vacations, and quite frankly having money in your bank account makes life a whole lot easier.
The truth of the matter is when that's your focus people can see that and you seem desperate. Focus on building your brand and following, creating value to your marketplace and.....
....... you'll have all the business you'll ever need or can even handle.
You can't be everything to everybody; you need a laser sharp focus on what you want.
Steps To Building Your Brand
These 4 simple steps I swear, if you follow them, will change your business and bank account like magic. You just have to decide and take action.
That decision can be tough; I know because I was there. I struggled a lot deciding because I thought "oh, well what if this doesn't work"; "what if I waste all this time and effort going for this and it doesn't pan out."
You absolutely CANNOT think like this because you've already punched a hole in your boat and as soon as you set sail, shortly after you'll sink...
Your mind has to be convinced in your decision that you will make it work no matter what it takes.
Who says it won't work?
Who gives you permission to live your life and chase your dreams?
Stop looking for permission; just decide and do it. Build your brand and following and trust in the process you've laid out for yourself...
And Then...
Take MASSIVE freaking action. So here's the steps:
- 1. Decide and pick your focus and intention and see it clearly.
- 2. Pick a strategy or two, or combination, or whatever the case may be but pick one
- 3. Simply and break down to actionable steps
- 4. Take MASSIVE freaking action
That's it. When you do this the magic will happen.
So are you going to build your brand and following or chase checks the rest of your life? Decide; pick your strategy, simplify, and then ACT...
Let the magic happen baby...
Monday, November 26, 2012
Strong Warning From CFPB On Misleading Mortgage Advertisments
CFPB- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Just last week a warning was sent out regarding misleading mortgage advertisements. You can read full release here.. What this is saying is they've found some recent advertisements are misleading to consumers and not disclosing all the information about true costs and terms of the loan agreements.
I actually think this is a good thing. All the ads out there that show 1% interest rate or super low fees or whatever the case may be is very misleading and I can't tell you how many times customers tell me about these deals and I let them know that those are just bait and switch ads but you won't find out until deep into the process or it's too late and by that time you're pissed off.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and they have to go and find out for themselves the truth. The problem is...now they don't trust anyone and that makes it hard to do business in the future...
...and we wonder why consumer confidence is low with lenders and loan officers in general.
Now all companies don't do this type of activity but you do see some "creative" advertising to get people to pick up the phone and call.
I take a different approach because what I have found is people just want you to be real with them.
They will do business with and buy from people they like and trust and if I can develop a relationship with them; they will not only do business with me but will send referrals.
Most companies are just in it for the quick buck and that should not be the approach.
You'll make money and get some business in the short run, but this isn't how champions and professionals do business and it surely will kill you in the long run.
Anyway...that's my two cents on it.
I aim to build value and confidence so that customer has a great experience. And truthfully, if you just explain things to people in plain English; all the terms, go over the benefits of how the loan will solve their problems and have a solution based presentation, people will come chasing you to do business with you.
I don't really have to prospect anymore I just get referrals from clients, agents, and other sources because they know I'm for real; I don't sugar coat, I know what I'm doing, and I give realistic expectations.
It's not rocket science here folks...
Just a little warning...for those of you who buy leads from these crap companies, I would stop because they have ads on the web for all kinds of ridiculous things that are misleading to get people to click and give up their information.
So as the CFPB comes cracking down if you're buying from them ---guild by association.
Plus their sold to multiple people and companies. The best way is to build your business organic which takes time.
Check out the release above on the CFPB site and look out for more announcements like this as the CFPB gets up and running on all cylinders inspecting the practices of the all the lenders and brokers out there.
Get ready we're headed for more changes in the future.
Who will win in this environment? The Champions will... all the weanies will be pushed out and quite frankly...can't wait to see ya go...
Friday, November 23, 2012
How Can Realtors Sell Renovation
Selling Renovation
This is becoming so hot right now with all the foreclosures on the market but you have very few lenders who know how to originate, process, and close these. Aside from that, you have few loan officers who are specialists in this area (and by the way you want to be working with a specialist) which creates issues because loan officers not familiar with the process on these are "winging it" and this is where your horror stories come from.So work with a specialist!
Anyway...the topic for today is how can Realtors sell this in the marketplace. Part of my continuing education class curriculum is going over how to sell this and quite frankly it's really easy. You're doing it right now and you don't even know it. Here's how..
When you're taking a client through a property do you ever make suggestions on carpet, paint color, or possible improvements they can make to the home to "make it theirs"? Use phrases such as "add your own personal touch"?
Sure you do. What you're doing is selling renovation financing already it's just you're not connecting the dots with the client which is letting them know they have a way to do this now instead of later and over time (this is where you direct them to the specialist you've teamed up with to explain further, just leave it at that)
Let's face it...
They may say they are going to do it but over time that intent diminishes because life is busy, they will get distracted with other things and it will never get done; so by letting them know that this is an option now and that they can finance the cost of repairs into the loan along with their purchase - and they can move into the property and quickly begin and finish their desired improvements, is really really powerful and motivating.
Why? This creates the vision in their mind what the home will look like completed and we all know visuals are extremely powerful and will move people to action. You're selling feelings here. Besides, I would rather make the home my own then rely on the seller making improvements or "settling"on a house that was newly renovated that isn't just right but "will do" paying a premium for that house... and heck maybe over time even redoing those renovations to satisfy my own liking...
What a waste of time, money, and effort. I would utilize the opportunity to do it now and turn the home I "just like" into the one "I really love" now.
More Ways To Sell Renovation
That's just one way. Another way is to overcome property condition objections. Ever have somebody walk in and before they even see the rest of the house, and say "nope, no way, carpet is ugly, cabinets gotta go, I'm done here"?
Yea, you've been there before. Use this as a tool to again, describe in short, what they can do. Find out if that's really the objection.
Yea, you've been there before. Use this as a tool to again, describe in short, what they can do. Find out if that's really the objection.
If the area is great, price is great, school district is good (if applicable) just ask this simple question to intrigue them and get them thinking... If I could show you a way where you could replace all of these ______ (whatever it was they had a problem with) brand new roll it into your loan and have it done the way you want, and have it done right after closing, would you be interested in knowing more and would you want to move forward on this home?
Spark interest; find out what is really bothering them about the house. Will this always work? Will this be the answer for everybody? No, of course not but just like in baseball, can't hit the ball unless you take the bat off the shoulder and swing. Same goes here, you won't know unless you ask...it's just another tool in your toolbox you can use to sell more homes.
Properties in need of repairs
Renovation financing is perfect for those "ugly properties" that need repairs just to get the financing done because standards, lets face it, have tightened up.
Instead of avoiding these, if you have a client interested in one of these properties, you should be smiling from ear to ear as they are already sold on this property and plan to make improvements as they want "the good deal" since it needs repairs.
This is where you sell renovation financing and let them know they are creating additional equity through the improvements and they are able to obtain the financing with a low down payment solving two problems - purchasing the property and renovating it - all in one loan.
Instead of avoiding these, if you have a client interested in one of these properties, you should be smiling from ear to ear as they are already sold on this property and plan to make improvements as they want "the good deal" since it needs repairs.
This is where you sell renovation financing and let them know they are creating additional equity through the improvements and they are able to obtain the financing with a low down payment solving two problems - purchasing the property and renovating it - all in one loan.
Purchase price - $50k
Estimated repairs - $40k
As is value - $50K due to condition
After-improved value - $120k once fixed up (which by the way is how we base their maximum financing off of, after-improved value which is why this option is so appealing)
Options to buy - cash as financing it with a regular loan will not fly due to repairs needed
Money needed for repairs - $40k
Total cash out of pocket - $90k
Now Using Renovation Financing See the Difference
Same as above for price and repairs so total NEW purchase price- $90k
After-improved value - $120k
Down payment on loan (depending on program) - either 3.5% or 5% (investor loans 20 and 25%) based on the $90k
Total cash needed - 3.5% of $90k = $3,150 5% of $90k = $4,500 + any closing costs that are not covered by the seller.
Difference $90k in cash OR
Put down $3,150 to $4,500 and use renovation financing to get this property.
Put down $3,150 to $4,500 and use renovation financing to get this property.
Total equity - $30k
Total money out of pocket saved = $THOUSANDS
Total money out of pocket saved = $THOUSANDS
Not too shabby huh?
Either pay $90k out of pocket to pay cash and fix up or use renovation financing with minimal cash out of pocket and use banks money at low interest rates. Fully amortized loan over 30yrs
Either pay $90k out of pocket to pay cash and fix up or use renovation financing with minimal cash out of pocket and use banks money at low interest rates. Fully amortized loan over 30yrs
Option 2 is definitely the smarter one. This is an easy sell.
Some More Options
Now you can use this loan to sell updates to a badly outdated property as well. Needs completely updated to modern standards - no problem - you can do anything from light to moderate (painting, carpet, cabinets, to plumbing, electrical) all the way up to tearing the house down and rebuilding on same foundation. Has mold or lead based paint? No problem there either - done!
More complex properties such as mixed use or manufactured - done!
So you see, there are many ways to sell this and we are in a very wet, muddy, crazy marketplace right now but there is a way for you rise above the competition and dominate this piece of the market and do very well because I'll tell ya...
Nobody else is focusing on this at ALL. They are scared of it. That's because of the stories that they've heard and been told but then again were they working with a specialist and what was the whole story, would be two questions I'd be asking.
Don't be scared of it - learn it, sell it, dominate, and have a monster successful 2013 because again, this will be the next real estate trend...
You can read When To Use Renovation Financing post as well here.. http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/10/when-to-use-renovation-financing.html
You can read When To Use Renovation Financing post as well here.. http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/10/when-to-use-renovation-financing.html
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
FHA Fund In Deep Doodoo
FHA's Finances
You're probably laughing at the title but it's true folks...FHA is in DEEP doodoo (my spelling I don't care) and has been for a long time.
Rueters released an article recently stating that unless FHA does something soon it will be drawing money from the Treasury...
So what's new in Washington? More taxes, more bailouts, more losses being covered up and now FHA will increase fees yet again to try to shore up the balance sheet and avoid a so called bailout. However what's the difference right? All of us as consumers are bailing them out by paying higher fees for the mortgages.
The fund is a total disaster and the program is so outdated it's had little changes since it's inception in the 30's. They know it needs restructured but choose to kick the can down the road. (just like everthing else, ha)
FHA now insures 1.2M mortgages and their share of the market has increased to 15% from 5% in 2006. The article went on to say that it missed needing to draw from the Treasury due to $1B in settlements from servicers...hmmm.. could that be why Wells was the next target?
Estimation is the fund will not be back to it's 2% capital ratio requirement until sometime in 2017...this just strengthens my prediction we're not going to see rates go anywhere upward - they just can't - anytime soon; they're relying too much on new activity and higher fees to keep the ponzi going.
Plus with the lawsuits they're hoping to generate some more revenue for the fund.
We're playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette here. Just see this quote from Maxine Waters below
"At a time when the private market constricted, the FHA stepped up, providing crucial liquidity and access to the mortgage market," said Representative Maxine Waters, a senior Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee.
She warned against taking any actions that would "precipitously" choke off loan availability.
Oh yea...they know what's up. If we choke off credit - crash and burn baby...
So What Mindset Should You Have About All of This?
So what does this mean for those in the industry? Consumers? Well folks you can't change it; it's happening and you're not personally going to do anything about it so if you're shopping for a loan and all you qualify for is FHA, you're just going to have to take it from behind...and you'll be forced to like it.
If you're in the business like I am I know what's going on and I understand it. For the consumer I know it's hard as you don't go through it every day like we do.
The good news, because I try to focus on the good because you'll cause nothing but anxiety and stress if you don't, is that there is a real opportunity to utilize a program FHA offers and to take advantage of it.
What is it? It's the 203k renovation program. I've said in earlier posts that this will be the new real estate trend, and it already is beginning to be, for some time to come. Without going into full detail as my blog post will explain, you can buy a fixer upper and finance the cost of the improvements into the loan...
and your maximum financing is based on after improved value of the property...This is an awesome program but it does suck that it will be more expensive now...
However - if you find a property that is priced well below market value and put the right improvements into it, you CAN create instant equity. Go here for details and read my blog post on it.
Again folks, please keep in mind it's not your loan officer or realtor who caused all this mess...(see below)
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Yeah Buddy! |

Stayed tuned and lets see what happens now that the election is over and we'll get to hear some nice juicy stories like we've been like the General Petraeus's little affair and whatever else they want to release now that Obama is back in for 4 more years.
Hold your hats...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Mortgage Application Tips
Mortgage Application Tips You Can Use
Plan on buying a home soon or in the near future? You will need to be prepared when you go apply so keep these helpful tips handy when visiting your bank, credit union, or mortgage broker. It's very important in this lending environment we find ourselves in to be properly prepared at application to avoid delays in closing your loan on time.The documentation and accuracy of information is key right now. Lenders are seeing many loans being audited and being found deficient of the proper supporting documentation by the time it makes to post closing review. This causes significant fines and penalties and can lead to buybacks (this is when the investor such as FHA or Fannie Mae forces the lender to buy back the loan due to deficiencies found)
So here are some helpful tips to make sure your application process is smooth.
- Provide complete and accurate information on current residence, employment history, any other mailing address you might use, and banking account information including full account numbers.
- Have all the proper documentation as it relates to your situation, ie if you're employed make sure you have two years of w2's; if you're self employed make sure you have personal and business tax returns with ALL schedules and signed for the last 2 years. Be prepared to answer questions regarding decrease in income if applicable.
- If you own rental property make sure you have complete addresses with estimated values and correct rental amounts and expenses like taxes and insurance information for EACH property
- Have the most recent paystubs available covering the most recent 30 days and make sure they are consecutive in pay periods. Example: you get paid weekly - just check your stubs to make sure all the checks are for the last 4 week period
- Be prepared for more requests for additional documentation or explanation of information you submit to underwriting. Now more than ever scrutiny is being placed on lenders so when underwriters request this documentation they are only trying to make sure they have no material findings in the file when audited.
- Stay calm during the process. If delays occur know that this is common these days as lenders are running short staffed and are having difficulty finding qualified people to hire. During the housing bust many people left the industry to seek employment elsewhere and do not want to leave the new place of employment for a position that may not be permanent.
- When asked submit documentation as quickly as possible to avoid further delays
- Be patient. There is a lot of activity going on right now in the housing market with purchases and a refinance boom so it's best to remain calm, patient, and do not make significant concrete plans just in case a delay occurs. This will onlly frustrate you more.
Mastering Credit Scores
Mastering Credit Scores
We all know how important credit as become. In this day in age where all that is used by lenders is credit score, an accompanying story and relationship has become a thing of the past. With the new instruments on Wall Street such as credit default swaps and other derivatives make it nearly a necessity to have a high credit score in order to even look at you as a candidate for financing.
Credit Scores
750 or higher – considered excellent credit660-749 – considered good credit
How Credit Scores are Determined?
- 35% - Past payment history - Late payments, charge offs, bankruptcies, etc.
- 30% - Outstanding debt – amounts owed on all accounts, number of accounts with balances, debt-to-credit limit ratio, etc.
- 15% - Length of credit history – Time since accounts were opened, time since last activity, time since last delinquency.
- 10% - Recent credit applications – Types of new accounts, recent inquiries, and how many inquiries.
- 10% - Account mix – Types of various accounts (car loans, credit cards, mortgages, etc.)
credit scores,
mortgage lending,
understanding credit
Monday, October 15, 2012
When To Use Renovation Financing
When To Use Renovation Financing
People often associate renovation financing with dumps; foreclosures and bank owned properties; but that's entirely true. You can also use Renovation Financing for outdated properties as well or even in situations where you would like to build onto your existing home with improvements such as a room addition or second story. Anything light to moderate from kitchen updates, flooring, electrical to a complete tear down and rebuild on the existing foundation....you really do have many options available.
The most popular renovation loan is the FHA 203k loan. This loan has been around since the early 80's and was designed to help revitalize communities and renovate the aging housing stock. This in of itself a stimulus package. It creates economic activity on many fronts from the purchase of the home (or refinancing) to hiring of contractor(s), purchasing of the materials, and keeping money flowing through the economy.
Even though this loan has been around for many years, very few lenders know how to originate them or even offer them. I think you'll see this change as more foreclosures hit the market to which renovation financing is the only way to get loans on these properties because in the as is condition...they don't meet minimum property or appraisal standards for financing.
I'm calling it right now that renovation financing will be the next real estate trend. See my previous post on this here ====> http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-new-real-estate-trend.html
The key to completing these loans in a timely manner is:
I've had people purchase foreclosures at $40 and $50k and putting $20-$30k into them and walking away with 20% equity to build on for the future. You just can't go wrong with these loans.
Until next time..
If you like this blog check out my other one www.livingwithnolimits.net.
Even though this loan has been around for many years, very few lenders know how to originate them or even offer them. I think you'll see this change as more foreclosures hit the market to which renovation financing is the only way to get loans on these properties because in the as is condition...they don't meet minimum property or appraisal standards for financing.
I'm calling it right now that renovation financing will be the next real estate trend. See my previous post on this here ====> http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-new-real-estate-trend.html
The key to completing these loans in a timely manner is:
- Going to a lender that specializes in these and speaking a renovation specialist. Not all loan officers are trained properly to originate these and it could get ugly if they don't know what they are doing.
- Having your plans for renovations decided on early. If you're purchasing a home make sure have the walk through with the contractor to determine needed and/or desired repairs. Also if your doing a 203k it's advisable to have a HUD Consultant inspect upfront so that you know what minimum repairs are needed early in the process.
- Do not make multiple changes to the scope of work after beginning the process because each time you change the scope of work, this triggers needed paperwork changes that delays the process.
- Turn your documents in as quickly as possible. Read my blog post on being prepared at application here ====> http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-to-be-prepared-at-application.html
- Again - work with a specialist, work with a specialist, work with a specialist. They have the experience and training to advise you and lead you down the path to closing as quickly as possible.
I've had people purchase foreclosures at $40 and $50k and putting $20-$30k into them and walking away with 20% equity to build on for the future. You just can't go wrong with these loans.
Until next time..
If you like this blog check out my other one www.livingwithnolimits.net.
Homeowners Suing Banks Over Fixing Libor
Boy it's starting to get thick out there in the financial world. Just when we thought all the juicy news has been released on activities that the big banks were doing before the crisis we now have the next big story..
Businessweek is now reporting 12 banks including Chase, Barclays, RBS, and Royal Bank of Canada, to name a few "unjustly enriched themselves" by manipulated the LIBOR rate which impacted thousands of homeowners on adjustable rate mortgages. LIBOR is an index used when determining the rate changes on ARM products. Not only that but is the benchmark for some 300 Trillion dollars in loans and securities.
Barclay's is the only bank to date that has settled and this will seem as if the trend will continue. Just seems like the only recourse for activity and behavior like this is settling out the claim with a fraction of the money they made by perpetrating the fraud. Nobody goes to jail; not even the traders involved. It's amazing how they just get away with it.
Gotta love the American justice system...
Stay tuned.
Businessweek is now reporting 12 banks including Chase, Barclays, RBS, and Royal Bank of Canada, to name a few "unjustly enriched themselves" by manipulated the LIBOR rate which impacted thousands of homeowners on adjustable rate mortgages. LIBOR is an index used when determining the rate changes on ARM products. Not only that but is the benchmark for some 300 Trillion dollars in loans and securities.
Barclay's is the only bank to date that has settled and this will seem as if the trend will continue. Just seems like the only recourse for activity and behavior like this is settling out the claim with a fraction of the money they made by perpetrating the fraud. Nobody goes to jail; not even the traders involved. It's amazing how they just get away with it.
Gotta love the American justice system...
Stay tuned.
Banks get sued,
LIBOR manipulation,
LIBOR rate fraud
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
FHFA Releases Plan on Fannie and Freddie
Yesterday the FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) released it's plans for the ailing government sponsored enterprises, aka GSE's, and it's no surprise the whole report is blah, blah, blah. Its the same ole crap we've been hearing - they are going to stabilize markets and increase fees to shore up the GSE's portfolios. Yea, while they still suck money from the Treasury as they hemorrhage cash, still losing money, while the housing market just muddles along.
So basically they have no long term plan just alot of lip service. The execs will still keep getting paid the big bucks to run the mortgage market into the ground. Next month Fannie is raising it's delivery fees yet again. This cost is spread to the consumer making it even more expensive to get a mortgage loan. FHFA says it's "market risked-based" pricing but really it's nickel and dime everyone to death because we're bankrupt.
No wonder they keep coming out with these refinance programs so they can keep churning the books with the refi's and yielding higher delivery fees. The FED keeps pumping the cash into the system helping fuel the refinance frenzy we have going on. Obama wants to yet again modify the refinance program to allow all non GSE owned mortgages to qualify.
Read my previous post http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/09/obamas-refinance-plan-take-four.html on the Obamafi program(s) for details. The market is a mess right now. We still have lending tightening up more; problems with appraisals; lenders are short staffed and for the sake of profit do not want to hire more people. I know people in the business working like a slave just banging their heads against a wall with all the hoops you have to jump through to get loans done these days. It's a struggle from beginning to end.
You can find the story regarding the "strategic plan", if you want to call it that here to read for yourself and formulate your own opinion. I don't think much will be accomplished until after the November election with regards to Obama's proposal for the new refinance program; or legislation on FHA with changes to mortgage insurance premiums yet again. Too many distractions right now and the smear campaigns are heating up as we near November election time.
So basically they have no long term plan just alot of lip service. The execs will still keep getting paid the big bucks to run the mortgage market into the ground. Next month Fannie is raising it's delivery fees yet again. This cost is spread to the consumer making it even more expensive to get a mortgage loan. FHFA says it's "market risked-based" pricing but really it's nickel and dime everyone to death because we're bankrupt.
No wonder they keep coming out with these refinance programs so they can keep churning the books with the refi's and yielding higher delivery fees. The FED keeps pumping the cash into the system helping fuel the refinance frenzy we have going on. Obama wants to yet again modify the refinance program to allow all non GSE owned mortgages to qualify.
Read my previous post http://swigartsmortgagejournal.blogspot.com/2012/09/obamas-refinance-plan-take-four.html on the Obamafi program(s) for details. The market is a mess right now. We still have lending tightening up more; problems with appraisals; lenders are short staffed and for the sake of profit do not want to hire more people. I know people in the business working like a slave just banging their heads against a wall with all the hoops you have to jump through to get loans done these days. It's a struggle from beginning to end.
You can find the story regarding the "strategic plan", if you want to call it that here to read for yourself and formulate your own opinion. I don't think much will be accomplished until after the November election with regards to Obama's proposal for the new refinance program; or legislation on FHA with changes to mortgage insurance premiums yet again. Too many distractions right now and the smear campaigns are heating up as we near November election time.
Fannie and Freddie,
home loans,
mortgage lending
Government Files Suit Against Wells Fargo Alleging Mortgage Fraud
Yet another bank, Wells Fargo, is getting sued by the government with allegiations that thousands, yes folks that right, THOUSANDS of loans were concealed from the government as being seriously deficient.
It comes to no surprise Wells Fargo denies the allegations but this is yet again, another bank in the news with a lawsuit alleging poor loan quality during the height of the real estate boom. Did Wells know this was coming? One might ask since they abruptely left the wholesale business not too long ago and earlier this year decided to exit Reverse Mortgages (another government backed program) which they were the #1 lender in the country in that segment.
Nobody really can say but the story can be found here on Huffington Posts website along with other sites as well http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/09/wells-fargo-lawsuit_n_1952216.html Wells denies the allegations and plans to fight it. I think this will end in yet another settlement for damages the FHA fund inccured for losses on claims to these mortgages. The article puts the number at nearly 6,400 loans were deemed "seriously deficient" and should have not been insured.
Strong language included "lied" to the government were used. Wells Fargo is the nations largest mortgage lender by market share and has maintained this status for quite some time. As the market continues to change and shift I wouldn't be surprised to see more banks under the microscope, with more stories of alleged fraud and concealment because FHA is hurting right now. The Mortgage Insurance Fund is way below Congressional mandated levels and with foreclosures still occuring and unemployment still high, I think we'll see more of this to come in the months ahead.
Stay Tuned on this one. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
It comes to no surprise Wells Fargo denies the allegations but this is yet again, another bank in the news with a lawsuit alleging poor loan quality during the height of the real estate boom. Did Wells know this was coming? One might ask since they abruptely left the wholesale business not too long ago and earlier this year decided to exit Reverse Mortgages (another government backed program) which they were the #1 lender in the country in that segment.
Nobody really can say but the story can be found here on Huffington Posts website along with other sites as well http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/09/wells-fargo-lawsuit_n_1952216.html Wells denies the allegations and plans to fight it. I think this will end in yet another settlement for damages the FHA fund inccured for losses on claims to these mortgages. The article puts the number at nearly 6,400 loans were deemed "seriously deficient" and should have not been insured.
Strong language included "lied" to the government were used. Wells Fargo is the nations largest mortgage lender by market share and has maintained this status for quite some time. As the market continues to change and shift I wouldn't be surprised to see more banks under the microscope, with more stories of alleged fraud and concealment because FHA is hurting right now. The Mortgage Insurance Fund is way below Congressional mandated levels and with foreclosures still occuring and unemployment still high, I think we'll see more of this to come in the months ahead.
Stay Tuned on this one. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Election Distractions
Election Distractions
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Romney's Home |
So I was looking at yahoo.com today and ran across and article showing Romney and Obama's house. What a waste of webspace right? I mean let's look at the real issues here. WHO cares about what kind of house they live in?
Every company has a CEO and the CEO of America is the Presidency. The real deal is we really have no choice. I mean each election season we're forced to choose between candidates from two party's. You're either on the left or you're on the right. Well my question is who the hell said I was either?
I can think for myself and I can make my own choices....I don't need someone telling me I have to choose left or right. What if I came to a fork in the road and I wanted to go straight?
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Obama's House |
The fact that this is becoming an issue is a one of many election distractions and really does nothing but invoke anger. Do you agree? Life is so short that, in my opinion, we need to be focused on our relationships; our families, our children, our friends. All we see now on tv (which by the way I don't watch much tv for this reason) is attack ads and straight crap about this and that related to the 47% comment; Obama's wealth distribution comment; whatever it is they decide to let out (which by the way they've had this stuff just sitting there waiting for the right moment to release it, I mean come on should we believe they "just" found this out?) which is responsible for the swaying of public opinion. It's like a big roller coaster ride until election time.
Now I know you're thinking what in the world does this have to do with mortgage? It really doesn't but the fact that this article focused on Romney and Obama's house is real estate related so I thought I'd share my thoughts on this.
Okay back to my rant....lol.... You can check out the article HERE and develop your own thoughts. I'm not here to judge about what others think...honestly I encourage people to give their opinions. Why? Because that's what makes us a great country and people in general. We're able to express our opinions about topics, ideas, and issues, and really when it boils down to it we stand together strong when circumstances call for it. With that said all this does is try to divide the country into labels...left vs right. It's bull if you ask me.
I don't know about you but I'm sick of this mess. Who doesn't want to live in a nice home; make money; live a life of financial freedom to travel the world and spend time with loved ones and create memorable moments? That's a no brainer. So that day when you reach your death bed and your loved ones are around you; you'll pass with a smile on your face knowing you had meaningful relationships throughout your life and great experiences that bring tears to your eyes just by thinking of them.
So to have negative feelings around success makes no sense. We all have goals, dreams and aspirations in life so why not be happy for the people that do make it. Hell for me..that's an inspiration to want more out of my life; to motivate me towards my goal; not walk around pissed off about it. Let's get to the real issues shall we.
So to have negative feelings around success makes no sense. We all have goals, dreams and aspirations in life so why not be happy for the people that do make it. Hell for me..that's an inspiration to want more out of my life; to motivate me towards my goal; not walk around pissed off about it. Let's get to the real issues shall we.
Real Issues
We live in a country of opportunity where if you apply yourself, create value for others, and put in the work, you can be successful. Success doesn't have to be material success. Everyone has their own definition of success but to show these properties and try to invoke anger and division among people I think is ridiculous.
Lets here about the real issues facing the country and the plans to fix it. We have debt issues, health issues, ecomonic issues, all kinds of things. What's the house or even the cars have to do with it?
Also the tax return issue; that's another one of those election distractions that irks me to no end. Who cares? The only taxes I'm worried about paying are my own...I mean get real. Who gives a hoot how much taxes Obama or Romney pays? If you think you pay too much in taxes go to an accountant, instead of HR block or Jackson and Hewitt or whoever, and find ways to reduce your tax liability.
Do me a favor please..turn off the tv go grab your wife, kids - if you don't have that - then girlfriend, boyfriend, grandma, grandpa, whoever, and hug them; tell them you love them and smile... go outside, take a walk and enjoy the day and quit worrying about who lives in what house and how much in taxes someone is paying.
Watch this video and be inspired.
Watch this video and be inspired.
God Bless,
2012 election,
election distractions,
mitt romney,
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Obama's Refinance Plan (Take Four)
Obama's First Refinance Program
Are you ready for another one of my rants? lol, I promise it will be a good one.
Well here we are folks...first we had the Obamafi 1 (aka HARP 1.0), this come out in 2009 where people with mortgages backed by Fannie and Freddie could refinance into new lower rate mortgages to help
reduce monthly payments and prevent more foreclosures. The program was launched initially letting
homeowners refinance up to 105% of the homes value with NO add ons.
In the mortgage industry we have lingo - just like any industry - and the lingo related to add ons is loan level pricing adjustments; rate adjusters; bumps in pricing; and several other names. But the gist of it is - based on certain "risk" criteria - the rate would be higher or lower depending on this information and would be built
into the pricing of the rate to derive at a finalized price.
Well it was well intended at first until the Fannie and Freddie added a bunch of adjusters and people who
needed it most couldn't benefit as they had the lowest scores and highest loan to value (loan amount divided
by value of the home). So they were hit with massive bumps to the rate and it didn't even make sense to refinance. Well duh.....that's who it was for (the people who could benefit most) but what it ended up being is a cash cow fee generation system for Fannie and Freddie by putting these bumps into the rate and initializing an all out mini refi boom to extract needed cash to help the failing entities.
Obama's Refinance Plan Take Two
At any rate...time went by and we had it adjusted to 125% loan to value. Now we have HARP 2.0 or
Obamafi retake numero deuce where now the loan to value is unlimited! That means your loan amount divided by the value can be 200% or more...doesn't matter, it's unlimited. This again was another shot in the arm for the mortgage industry and banks are making money hand over fist on this program. Mini refinance boom two.
This was designed to help all the people who couldn't get in the first time under HARP 1.0 and who were under water more than 125%. A few programs exist; One was set up for loans serviced by your current lender (which had less restrictive guidelines since they already owned the mortgage) or you could switch lenders. Now that this plan has been out for a little bit and because the risk is a little higher (actually it should be better because if they would make it beneficial for all everybody's payments would be much lower), some lenders are making it a requirement that the loan being refinanced is serviced by them.
You can find the differences here below: See the vid.
NOTE: (Video is from youtube and posted by Kenney66)
Obama's Refinance Plan Take Three
The next plan involved changes to FHA's refinance programs. You can find this HERE This allowed the homeowner with an FHA backed loan who qualified for the streamline refinance, AND, who's mortgage was originated prior to a certain date, could revert back to the old mortgage insurance annual premium calculation allowing them to take advantage of low interest rates.As you know FHA loans have been modified significantly over the past few years to help the ailing, failing, mortgage insurance fund as it is now WAY, WAY below Congressional mandated levels so the monthly premiums (also known as MIP and in the Conventional mortgage world PMI) have gone up and up and up so even if you could get a lower rate, the increase in the mortgage insurance didn't make it worth the money to refinance. So the new program has spawned yet another mini boom.
Obama's Refinance Plan (Take Four)
Obama's proposed new refinance program (you can find this HERE on the press release from the White House) is targeting all non GSE owned loans (Fannie/Freddie) to be eligible to refinance into lower rate mortgages. The proposed minimum credit score is 580 but will this be the same thing? High loan adjusters to the rate making it too pricey for people who really need it to take advantage? Time will tell if it's implemented.
They keep creating new mini refi booms coupled with Ben Bernanke's QE infinity program pretty much guaranteeing interest rates to stay low, we're seeing massive refinance volume.
The volume has spike so high, lenders can't keep up and they won't hire new people to deal with the volume so you have horror stories of loans taking 90-120 days or longer to close!
Again, this creating HUGE profits for the banks as they are selling these loans to Fannie/Freddie/and FHA and in turn the agencies are extracting more cash from the system to funnel it into the coffers because they're all BROKE as hell and bankrupt. Just like this country is but nobody wants to realize or admit it.
So What Next?
We're rolling into election time; we're starting to see reports of home prices increasing (I don't listen to a thing the government tells me) and the only people I see benefiting are the banks in this situation as people are refinancing which requires closing costs to be rolled back into their loans increasing your balance and stretching your term back out another 30 yrs.
True, this scenario does help some and true this will benefit some people but if they really wanted to help people out then get rid of ALL adjustments; do it with no limited costs so that the people with the lower scores can benefit like they did when the HARP first came out but was quickly....and I mean QUICKLY changed to requiring all kinds of adjustments to the reates preventing alot of people from saving money on their payments.
So my question is: Where is the cookie for all the people who actually need it?!
That's my two cents on the matter.
P.S. if you like this blog check out my other one http://www.livingwithnolimits.net
God Bless,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Famous Celebrity Foreclosures
Holy Cow! I was surfing the web today (like I usually do everyday) searching for some news and came across this article on Yahoo (posting it from Forbes.com) regarding celebrity foreclosures and I was blown away at some of the stories.
You've got to check it out it HERE and see what I'm talking about. To think that these people are making millions and millions of dollars and are letting homes go back is asinine! Rhianna was on this list.
She's one of the hottest celeb singers out there right now. Article goes on to say she did a short sale. Now I have a big problem with that. She was more than able to pay for that mortgage on the property but yet was allowed to take a short sale on it. I don't know about you but I think that's horse sh^!. Excuse my french but she's worth millions and is just walking away.
Other big names include were Burt Reynolds and even comedian Chris Tucker! Wow, I was stunned. Makes you think what is really going on out there huh?
This is a short post but wanted to share. Check it out.
Don't forget my other blog - http://www.livingwithnolimits.net
You've got to check it out it HERE and see what I'm talking about. To think that these people are making millions and millions of dollars and are letting homes go back is asinine! Rhianna was on this list.
She's one of the hottest celeb singers out there right now. Article goes on to say she did a short sale. Now I have a big problem with that. She was more than able to pay for that mortgage on the property but yet was allowed to take a short sale on it. I don't know about you but I think that's horse sh^!. Excuse my french but she's worth millions and is just walking away.
Other big names include were Burt Reynolds and even comedian Chris Tucker! Wow, I was stunned. Makes you think what is really going on out there huh?
This is a short post but wanted to share. Check it out.
Don't forget my other blog - http://www.livingwithnolimits.net
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Renovation Financing FHA and Conventional
As I mentioned in a previous post - see The New Real Estate Trend - this will be the next trend as we have a market flooded with foreclosures, short sales, and dated inventory. I went into a little bit on how this works but lets dive in some more about some options on this and how you can use it to purchase your first or next home.
The common, well known renovation loan is the FHA 203k loan. This loan has been around for a long time, since the early 80's actually. In 2005 it was modified to include a "streamline" limited repair program which is for light to moderate improvements such as, but not limited to, carpet, paint, electrical, plumbing, common updates like kitchen's and bathrooms, etc. You can find that information HERE.
In recent years lenders have teamed up with big home improvement giants like Home Depot and Lowe's to come out with programs that help streamline the process even more for borrowers who work with lenders who offer this. You can see one of those programs HERE. Now each lender may have a different process or name or list of documents needed for these programs, this is only one source.
The other type's of Renovation Financing are Conventional options. Fannie Mae has the HomeStyle and Homepath renovation options. You can check Fannie's out HERE and Freddie Mac's HERE.
With the Conventional options you can use these for not only owner occupied, ie primary residences, but it's open to investors and second homes. You can also use this program for luxury repairs whereas on FHA's 203k you cannot. You will be able to finance at higher loan amounts going up to Fannie and Freddie Mac's loan limits; plus if you're in a High Balance area (temporary increases in loan limits for certain geographical areas) are eligble as well. FHA still will follow current loan limits based on your county and you can search this online very easily on Google or Yahoo. For your convenience, I've included the link here.
Each lender again will have certain credit overlays - which is guidelines or policies put into place that are more restrictive than the published guidelines from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - so I will opt out of including guideline in this post and refer you to inquire more with your lender of choice.
NOTE: one thing I will caution on; when calling a lender you need to deal with a Renovation Specialist. What is this? This is a loan officer that only originates renovation loans. The reason for this is most loan officers do not specialize in these and due to the complexity and additional paperwork required and they do not have enough experience to guide you through it. When dealing with a specialist, you are dealing with someone who is originating renovation loans on a daily basis.
With all the changes in the marketplace right now, and guidelines and qualifications changing, and tighter requirements when purchasing lender owned, foreclosed properties, you cannot afford - let me repeat - you CANNOT afford to work with someone who doesn't know how to guide you through the process because this could cause you expensive extension fees and/or your contract being cancelled.
Don't be a guinea pig for someone to learn.
If you're looking for a good deal; properties that are foreclosed on and can be purchased cheap but need repairs; or even an outdated property that just needs some modern updates - this could be the loan option for you.
Some of the property types you can finance (and depends on your program) are single family, multi-family, condo's, mixed-use, and manufactured housing to name a few. Each lender may have it's only credit overlays on the properties they will lend on as well. Some will still lend on manufactured housing, and some will not. You just need to check with your lender when you call. There are not many players in the game and many, who see this as the next trend, are getting in so it's important to deal with lenders and loan officers who are experienced in renovation. This will make all the difference.
Here are some photos of what is actually possible with renovation financing.
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Kitchen Remodel |
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Kitchen Update |
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Bathroom Remodel |
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Bathroom Update |
Next post I'll discuss dealing with your contractor and working with your HUD Consultant on the FHA option.
God Bless,
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