Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Federal Reserve's Power Trip

Beginning almost a year ago the FED announced an MBS (mortgage-backed security) purchase program in conjunction with a treasury buying program that would equal roughly 1.25 trillion (yes that's right TRILLION) dollars in subsidies in order to bring mortgage rates down and get people buying homes again. While I've enjoyed the benefits of this action in the short run; I understand the long term effects, and inevitably this action will bring inflation and higher interest rates. The government, along with the FED have been pursuing drastic measures to reinlfate the housing bubble caused by the prior FED chairman Alan Greenspan. This man is considered by most a financial genius. I say hardly so and that statement is completely unsubstantiated.

What Mr. Greenspan was good at was manipulating interest rates, creating bubbles, and bailing out companies when they failed at taking too much risk. Here's the deal; when you have artificially low interest rates this creates malinvestment and encourages excessive risk taking. After the dot com bubble and 9/11, chairman Greenspan needed to "kick start" the economy again. While Fannie and Freddie were in trouble for their accounting scandals, and Mr. Greenspan lowered the FED funds rate to 1%, all hell broke loose in housing. Stated income stated asset loans, no income verification, you name it. Breath on a mirror, you got fog? You got a loan? Got a pulse, got a loan? It didn't matter if you had the capacity or willingness to repay the loan, it was about making as many loans as possible so they can pooled, packaged, and sold to the investors around the world.

Now back to our new bubble causing action from the new "genius" Ben Bernake. What's happening is the FED is printing money to buy bonds issued by, now fully government owned, Fannie and Freddie, in order to drive mortgage rates down. On top of that they are buying $300 billion in treasuries which is what they do when increase the money supply through their open market operations. Now because we operate on a fractional reserve banking system, that $300 billion is multiplied 9 times to create "new" money out of thin air. How does this work? Let me simplify using smaller numbers. It completely boggles my mind when now we're throwing around the word billion and trillion like its nothing. Well wake up, because the FED is printing TRILLIONS of dollars to solve a borrowing and spending problem. That's like telling a junkie to shoot up more to solve their dependency problem, its completely absurd.

But anyway here is how the creation of money occurs. Lets say the FED wants to increase the money supply. They buy $1,000 in treasuries on the open market. That $1,000 is now put into the system. Okay now the FED require most banks, depending on how much they have on deposit, to hold a 10% reserve ratio to deposits on hand. This means that for all the deposits the bank must hold 10% of that in its account at the FED or in conjunction with the FED and its vault. Now if the bank has more than the 10% reserves its considered to have "excess" reserves on which it can loaned out in new money. Now we go back to the $1,000. The bank must hold $100 (10% of $1,000) on deposit and loan out the other $900. Now that customer takes that check and deposits it into their bank. They hold 10% ($90) on deposit and then loan out the other 90% ($810). This cycle repeats until you've multiplied that $1,000 into $100,000.

Mind boggling huh? That means for every deposit the banking system can "create" out of thin air 9 times that amount in new money. Not only that but banks charge interest on that nothing. Not a bad deal huh? Well here's where it gets even more interesting. The FED has made these massive purchases, which really all they've done is printed money that we (YOU and ME) have to pay back AT INTEREST! This is because the government is borrowing indirectly through the FED to make these purchases. Not only that but we'll pay higher prices due to inflation because the FED is inflating our currency away, meaning, the purchasing power is eroding due to the massive inflation of the money supply. The 1.8 trillion dollar deficit is REAL! What's going to happen when interest rates begin to go back up and we have to pay higher interest on our national debt? You've got it! This doesn't even take the cake compared to what it will be like when that happens or even worse....the dollar collapses.

At any rate, the MBS buying program isn't even on the radar to most people but its really more DEBT that has to be paid back and its just another 1.25 trillion on top of the trillions already spend in stimulus, currency swaps, and loans made by the FED to people we don't know and the FED refuses to disclose to us. Now from the agency who is NOT a government entity and is frankly unconstitutional, is taking OUR tax dollars and lending 2 Trillion dollars to somebody and we cant' find out who that is. INSANE!

We need to wake up and fight back. Write your senators and representatives and tell them to support Congressman Ron Paul's HR 1207 bill that requires and audit of the Federal Reserve. This is the first step in pulling away the veil of secrecy surrounding this entity that seems to have no limits to its unconstitutional powers. Then spread the word about the FED. Only through education and understanding can we eventually turn the tide by taking action against the corruption that surrounds the government and the Federal Reserve.

Check out this video - amazing.

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