Election Distractions
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Romney's Home |
So I was looking at yahoo.com today and ran across and article showing Romney and Obama's house. What a waste of webspace right? I mean let's look at the real issues here. WHO cares about what kind of house they live in?
Every company has a CEO and the CEO of America is the Presidency. The real deal is we really have no choice. I mean each election season we're forced to choose between candidates from two party's. You're either on the left or you're on the right. Well my question is who the hell said I was either?
I can think for myself and I can make my own choices....I don't need someone telling me I have to choose left or right. What if I came to a fork in the road and I wanted to go straight?
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Obama's House |
The fact that this is becoming an issue is a one of many election distractions and really does nothing but invoke anger. Do you agree? Life is so short that, in my opinion, we need to be focused on our relationships; our families, our children, our friends. All we see now on tv (which by the way I don't watch much tv for this reason) is attack ads and straight crap about this and that related to the 47% comment; Obama's wealth distribution comment; whatever it is they decide to let out (which by the way they've had this stuff just sitting there waiting for the right moment to release it, I mean come on should we believe they "just" found this out?) which is responsible for the swaying of public opinion. It's like a big roller coaster ride until election time.
Now I know you're thinking what in the world does this have to do with mortgage? It really doesn't but the fact that this article focused on Romney and Obama's house is real estate related so I thought I'd share my thoughts on this.
Okay back to my rant....lol.... You can check out the article HERE and develop your own thoughts. I'm not here to judge about what others think...honestly I encourage people to give their opinions. Why? Because that's what makes us a great country and people in general. We're able to express our opinions about topics, ideas, and issues, and really when it boils down to it we stand together strong when circumstances call for it. With that said all this does is try to divide the country into labels...left vs right. It's bull if you ask me.
I don't know about you but I'm sick of this mess. Who doesn't want to live in a nice home; make money; live a life of financial freedom to travel the world and spend time with loved ones and create memorable moments? That's a no brainer. So that day when you reach your death bed and your loved ones are around you; you'll pass with a smile on your face knowing you had meaningful relationships throughout your life and great experiences that bring tears to your eyes just by thinking of them.
So to have negative feelings around success makes no sense. We all have goals, dreams and aspirations in life so why not be happy for the people that do make it. Hell for me..that's an inspiration to want more out of my life; to motivate me towards my goal; not walk around pissed off about it. Let's get to the real issues shall we.
So to have negative feelings around success makes no sense. We all have goals, dreams and aspirations in life so why not be happy for the people that do make it. Hell for me..that's an inspiration to want more out of my life; to motivate me towards my goal; not walk around pissed off about it. Let's get to the real issues shall we.
Real Issues
We live in a country of opportunity where if you apply yourself, create value for others, and put in the work, you can be successful. Success doesn't have to be material success. Everyone has their own definition of success but to show these properties and try to invoke anger and division among people I think is ridiculous.
Lets here about the real issues facing the country and the plans to fix it. We have debt issues, health issues, ecomonic issues, all kinds of things. What's the house or even the cars have to do with it?
Also the tax return issue; that's another one of those election distractions that irks me to no end. Who cares? The only taxes I'm worried about paying are my own...I mean get real. Who gives a hoot how much taxes Obama or Romney pays? If you think you pay too much in taxes go to an accountant, instead of HR block or Jackson and Hewitt or whoever, and find ways to reduce your tax liability.
Do me a favor please..turn off the tv go grab your wife, kids - if you don't have that - then girlfriend, boyfriend, grandma, grandpa, whoever, and hug them; tell them you love them and smile... go outside, take a walk and enjoy the day and quit worrying about who lives in what house and how much in taxes someone is paying.
Watch this video and be inspired.
Watch this video and be inspired.
God Bless,