Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fed Unleashes More Liquidity

Just as I mentioned a couple of days ago in my post Mortgage Rates Updated, I said the Fed will keep the faucet flowing baby and with the news hitting today just a few hours ago, this has been confirmed.  The Fed will continue to purchase mortgage bonds to keep rates low and even try to get them lower to fuel demand.

This isn't going to stop ladies and gentlemen.  It's too late to take the foot off the gas now.  The excuse is the Fed will continue, "as expected" to stimulate the economy due to job numbers and economic indicators.  If you haven't seen the article check it out -

As you can see from the article, now, as different in other announcements, this QE is "open ended" meaning no deadline to stop it.  As I mentioned before - call it QE infinite baby!

We're going to continue seeing this as now it's too late to stop it because they won't let the market liquidate all the bad debt and mal investment as this would uncover just how vulnerable alot of corporations really are and how unhealthy the financial system really is. 

If they would just let the system liquidate, it would be really bad for awhile, but would quickly bounce back stronger than before; however this strategy of pumping more and more cash into the system, is just going to lead to an even bigger collapse later on.

Ole Ben Bernanke doesn't care.  All he's concerned with is keeping his special interests and banker buddies happy.  Who benefits from all this? Yea, we have lower mortgage rates (which is good for lower payments but our dollar continues to decline) that are causing a frenzy right now with refinances and new purchases but lenders are not properly staffed which is causing a tremendous amount of backlog and issues getting loans to closing on time for purchases and in a reasonable amount of time for refinances.  Some loans are taking 90 days sometimes or longer to close because so many people are refinancing right now under the HARP 2.0 and new FHA streamline refi programs. 

According to some reports the Fed is saying they are going to keep rates low until mid 2015! Wow! First it was only a year then 2012, then 2013, now mid 2015.  Take a look at the chart below regarding the purchasing power of the dollar since the Fed took over in 1913; the dollar has lost over 96% of the purchasing power it used to have.  This isn't going to stop and countries all across the world are following suit of the Fed pumping massive liquidity into their economies to spur demand.  The only people really benefiting is the corporations and mega banks of the world as they profit hugely from this. 

The stock market sky rocketed today on the news continuting to fuel asset prices.  When will it ever stop? Never baby - hold on to your hats and enjoy the ride becasue you ain't seen nothing yet!

The big boys are making all the money and average saver is losing their purchasing power day by day by day while the Fed helps their bank buddies, big boy corporations, and special interests profit hugely by these moves as they are contrived and planned before the announcement to the public is ever made. 

We'll definitely get to see some rhetoric from Mitt and strutting peacock Barack I'm sure regarding this which continues to fuel the real life soap opera we call the 2012 Presidential Campaign.  The false sense of choice we have between the two candidates is not real choice - it's controlled opposition.  But that is another story for another day. 

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