Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Famous Celebrity Foreclosures

Holy Cow!  I was surfing the web today (like I usually do everyday) searching for some news and came across this article on Yahoo (posting it from regarding celebrity foreclosures  and I was blown away at some of the stories.

You've got to check it out it HERE and see what I'm talking about.  To think that these people are making millions and millions of dollars and are letting homes go back is asinine! Rhianna was on this list.

She's one of the hottest celeb singers out there right now.  Article goes on to say she did a short sale.  Now I have a big problem with that.  She was more than able to pay for that mortgage on the property but yet was allowed to take a short sale on it.  I don't know about you but I think that's horse sh^!.  Excuse my french but she's worth millions and is just walking away. 

Other big names include were Burt Reynolds and even comedian Chris Tucker!  Wow, I was stunned.  Makes you think what is really going on out there huh?

This is a short post but wanted to share.  Check it out.

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