Saturday, December 15, 2012

More Fiscal Cliff Talks

My Quick Rant On This Topic

You know...this crap of fear mongering by the media is so elementary and obvious it's sickening.  This whole show about the Fiscal Cliff and taxes, and the wealthiest Americans paying more, and blah blah blah, is such a racket that is designed to divide us all.

When really looking at the numbers the top earners don't pay as much in taxes as you think they do folks.  Warren Buffet even said openly that he pays less in taxes in terms of percentage of income, than the average person does.

The very top earners pay people to find ways to reduce their taxes. Don't get me wrong I'm not against being wealthy and making money and living a very good life - who doesn't want to live a rich and fulfilling life? Everyone does that's a no brainer.. My point is this is a sneaky way to divide people through social stratification.

If you have money and ran a business or several businesses your goal would be to reduce your tax expense..duh.. Who likes to pay taxes? Nobody does.  The real people who pay taxes are the ones in the middle.  They carry the load which is why the soundbites are always targeted to "middle class" Americans which again the labels create a huge problem as it divides people into groups which leads to warfare...which is what they want!

If we're too distracted fighting a false paradigm, we can't actually come together as a nation and figure out a way to fix the problem.  "Class warfare" they label it ensues only worsening the problem.  It's trickery and is designed to keep us distracted, fighting, and living in fear and confusion.

What you fail to realize is that inflation is a silent tax and is way worse than what we're dealing with here on income taxes.  Have you noticed your food bill lately?

Oh but they want you to think that's a good thing because if prices are going up then that means your incomes will go up to match and plus the stock market is doing good and home prices are rising so just shut up and "feel" more wealthy when in reality you're income is not going up and the only ones profiting from the rising prices are the ones that control the lever...

If it's not a war on drugs, it's terrorism or taxes, or a bad economy, or murders, shootings, rapes, car wrecks, environmental calamities...It's a constant stream of bad news designed to keep people distracted, scared, confused, and worried all the time..

Jesse Ventura says it best when he describes our Congress as the world federation of wrestling as in front of the camera's they hate each other we have division, they're fighting it out but behind closed doors they're all buddies.

What you need to do is educate yourself and don't be fooled by what's going on around you.

This economy isn't going to get any better any time soon.  You need to decide how you are going to utilize your skills, talents, and brains to create extra income you can convert to stores of value like gold and silver and protect your family from the worst case scenario.

There are many ways to get started now in creating additional streams of income in your part time and start protecting yourself now - create your own economy and don't let this trash talk distract you or rob you of joy, happiness, and peace in your life.  Spend time with loved ones and cherish the special memories.

God Bless,


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